

Ready to empower your shop floor?

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    Eric Fogg
    Eric Fogg 机械学/ 2016年6月21日



    The value of machine monitoring software can be hard to convey - especially to those at the top.

    When you’re the one who’s完成了作业,该价值是显而易见的。但是,对于其他人来说,上行空间并不容易看到。在做出任何重大决策或投资之前,高管们喜欢知道他们在时间和金钱方面所做的事情。

    That’s why, for starters, you’ll want to build the “why” and the “how” of the project into your argument.

    您“让管理层的集体耳朵听取您”的机会直接与您展示您的能力有关machine monitoring主动性对组织的目标有利。

    完成作业后,是时候采用策略来出售执行团队以实施machine monitoring software.

    Here are 5 selling points you can put forth, not only to help you get your lean manufacturing software project considered but most importantly, acted upon.



    2) It’s a slam dunk time-saver

    Based on your preliminary research on how an MES system can streamline production and cut costs, paint a compelling picture of those benefits. Whet upper management’s appetite with some ballpark numbers and charts. Show them how the time saved by manufacturing monitoring software goes directly to the bottom line.

    3) Your competitors are adopting it



    Running a tight, efficient shop can’t be left to guesswork. Without an accurate means of measuring efficiency, how can your organization possibly improve operations? In these days of intense competition, it’s likely upper management already has a sense that production efficiency isn't at its peak. Use this uncertainty to gain their attention so you have a chance to make your case.


    5) Not knowing can be costly

    Machine monitoring can及时揭示问题- 在他们有机会升级之前。如果商店地板上的一台机器通常需要固定的时间来执行程序并且没有达到其绩效目标,则有人需要立即知道。

    If your executives are always asking you for ‘a greater window’ onto production, you should let them know that real-time manufacturing analytics software is precisely that. Executives can get email notifications and text messages in addition to detailed reports.


    虽然不可避免地会take some planning,在信誉良好的OEE软件合作伙伴的帮助下,您可以为机器监视软件构建强有力的案例。

    If you'd like more help in planning to present MachineMetrics to your company, one of our consultants would be happy to speak with you and learn more about the unique challenges and goals for your shop. You can request a free consultation by clicking the below link.

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    Ready to empower your shop floor?

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