为了让工厂享受最高的整体效率效率(OEE),设备连接性是收集精确数据的关键。为了提高设备的可用性、性能和产出质量(构成oee的三个因素),工厂现在可以利用一些连接解决方案来获取有价值的数据,以提高产量。集成解决方案OEE是权威的,因为它在一个数字中承载了大量的信息;因此,它被广泛采用作为一个标准,以提高生产车间。一种三管齐下的方法,检查机器的可用性、性能和质量率,使工厂经理更好地了解在他们的制造过程中需要改变什么,以达到生产高峰。一旦确定了问题领域,就可以寻求新技术来解决制造过程中的缺点。时刻了解工厂车间机器的工作状态对于减少停机时间和提高网络可用性至关重要。因此,实现预测性维护需要实时数据。在生产过程中,可以产生不同类型的机器状态数据,如机器振动,电机电流,刀具水平,冷却液水平,等等。基于这些数据,机器维护工程师可以提前安排维护任务(预见性维护),以防止任何意外的机器停机。 However, this data presents itself in different forms. One is streaming data, which is transmitted in large volumes and requires preprocessing before it is sent to a back-end system. The other is status data, which is transmitted in small volumes and via a transparent method without any preprocessing. Thus, different data collection methods are required. For streaming data, the best method is to use front-end data processing to reduce the amount of data sent so that only valuable data is sent to the back-end system. Solutions to improve the performance rate of machines In a mixed-model production line, a programmable controller that supports multiple functions and interfaces—such as serial, DI/O, and AI/O—is a huge asset. A controller helps categorize production tasks by automatically retrieving the task sequence from a manufacturing execution system (MES). For example, tools are identified by an RFID tag, the controller retrieves the corresponding production method from the MES via RESTful API, and then notifies all the relevant machines via an industrial protocol such as EtherNet/IP, PROFIBUS, or Modbus. The production information can be retrieved via an IT protocol, such as RESTful API. Solutions to improve the quality of machines’ output Perfect production is characterized by zero defects, and once again, production data is the key to achieve zero defects. Two types of data are applicable: stable data (on/off status) and temporary data (generated over short periods and needs to be recorded without any missing parts). When the latter is generated, an alert should be sent immediately to operators that an interruption is occurring. As the quality of production is reflected in this temporary data, the challenge is to capture this data precisely. A ruggedly designed IIoT controller can collect precise data in harsh environments to keep line managers up-to-date about the status of all devices in the field. Moxa’s Solutions In addition to the aforementioned solutions, there are even more options available to factories to upgrade their production technology and improve their OEE. Contact us for more information. Search for: Keep up to Date with Mapp – Subscribe to Our Newsletter * indicates required阅读更多