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Learn MoreToday we released Workcenter Views which provides a dashboard and operator interface for a single workcenter. This adds some key capabilities our customers have been looking forward to including part scrapping and the ability to monitor part counts from a non-machine manufacturing process. With manual Workcenters you can now track parts produced against goal for non-machine operations to track individual performance for operations such as assembly, loading, or inspection.
Workcenter View for an active in-cycle machine.
Until now, the shop floor dashboard was the only way to view an individual machine's progress in real-time. It's great to see a quick snapshot of a machine, OEE, progress against goals, and current status, but it doesn't provide all the detail that an operator may want. The workcenter view solves this with a beautiful dashboard of a single machine. This view includes:
Until now, all reports assumed that quality was 100%. With this update, parts can now be scrapped with an associated reason using the Workcenter View. When the Workstation is an actual machine, clicking "Scrap Existing Part" will scrap a part that was already counted, and reduce the part count by one. The quality metric of OEE will also be adjusted appropriately in all reports and views. For manual operations, the scrap button will add a new scrap part so the operator doesn't have to add a part, and then scrap it.
Touching the "Scrap Existing Part" button displays Scrap reasons that can be configured in Report settings.
A future update will include a pareto chart of quality where scrap reasons can be reported across any range of time and group of machines. This will give managers the ability to identify the most common causes of poor quality.
We are super excited to announce the ability to monitor any process, whether it's a simple machine that cannot easily be integrated, an assembly operation, or a deburring operation. This workstation costs just 1/3 of a connected machine and because it's cloud based, requires no integration or on-site software to run. It's designed to be used with any touchscreen device. Simply tap the appropriate button to add a good part, or add a scrap part and give it a scrap reason. Other than downtime (we assume the station is active 100% of the time) all features in MachineMetrics apply to a manual workstation as they do a machine, even OEE.
If you have a powered machine that doesn't have the ability to report parts, we can tap into its power signal, or some other signal to indicating in-cycle, and use manual part tracking to track part progress. This is a hybrid workstation with a type of manual parts and machine data.
An example of a manual workcenter. 106 parts have been produced out of 320 required for the shift. Currently 14 parts behind with 5 bad parts that were scrapped. Because the part count multiplier is 8 parts, you can add 8 parts with a single tap, or the smaller button to the right for a single click. All operations support an undo.
To display Workcenter View, click on a tile in the main dashboard, the select the expand button in the lower right corner of the tile.
To create a new manual workcenter please contact MachineMetrics through the application or email and we'll add it for you.
To add scrap reasons for the company, go into "settings", click "reports", and you'll find the list of downtime and scrap reasons. You may add a new reason, or edit an existing one and give it a color that will show up in reports.
Downtime and Scrap reason codes that can be added in Settings / Reports
We hope you enjoy these new capabilities. Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback.
Ready to empower your shop floor?
Learn MoreNorthampton Office
47 Pleasant St, Suite 2-S, Northampton, MA 01060